Phone Number AU provide a call connection service. Please note that we are in no way affiliated with the companies or actual brand listed on this website.

Calls through 1902 access numbers cost $0.99 per minute including GST (May be higher from mobile or payphones) plus your phone provider’s access charge. You must be 18+ or have the account holder’s permission.

Using our service direct and fast connections to different company’s customer service departments. The site provides important information that you should read carefully before contacting the companies’ service centers.

We use Wisdom of the Crowd to provide important and up-to-date information that includes new tips and also various offers from companies that save you time & money.

It is important for each customer to add a comment on the site with his tips on how to save time and money before calling the company’s customer service center.
We thank you for your help to improve the service to all customers.

service provided by Halak Online Ltd.

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